Shri Navchetan Andhjan Mandal recently held the inauguration ceremony for the "MatrushriKanabaiSatkary Bhavan," a facility with ten rooms dedicated to the care of elderly individuals. The generous donation for this project was made by the Shri Ghelani Charitable Trust in Mumbai. The ceremony was graced by TV actress             KalyaniThakar, who joined the chief guest of the organization, Shri Vinodbhai K. Gadhana, in cutting the ribbon and lighting a lamp in one of the rooms.

The event was attended by the Vice President of our organization Mr. Hiralal R. Chawla, General Secretary Mr. Laljibhai M. Prajapati, Secretary Mr. Vanrajsinh R. Jadeja and Mr. Himanshubhai Sompura, Advisor Mr. N. M. Dharani, Treasurer Mr. Zinabhai Dabasiya, Managing Trustee of Vagad Sarvodaya Trust Mr. Talakshibhai Nandu, Trustee Mr. Damjibhai Oza, Mr. Harjibhai Lachhani, Mr. Jadavjibhai Vekaria, Mr. Hothuji P. Jadeja, Chief Coordinator Mr. Deepakbhai Prasad and all staff members were also present at the ceremony. Additionally, the elderly residents of the organization were honored attendees.

            Following the inauguration, Chief Guest Shri Vinodbhai K. Gada and Shri Talkashibhai Nandu given insightful speeches, emphasizing the importance of providing care and support to the elderly. Laljibhai M. Prajapati took the opportunity to briefly introduce TV actress KalyaniThakar to the organization, acknowledging her presence and contribution to the event. 

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