Guru Purnima is a festival celebrated in India on the full moon day of the Aashaadha month as per the Hindu lunar calendar. Our organization arranged two separate programs at Divyang Vidhya Vihar and Divyang Kanyakunj. The students wholeheartedly performed the Guru Pujan ceremony, singing prayers and bhajans. They also expressed their thoughts about Guru Purnima both verbally and in sign language. The General Secretary Mr. Laljibhai Prajapati, and Secretary Mr. Himanshu Sompura, greeted the students, while Trustees Mr. Harjibhai Lachhani and Mr. Khimjibhai Vekariya, Mr. Jadavjibhai Vekariya, Mr. Damjibhai Oza, Chief coordinator Mr. Deepak Prasad, Coordinators, Principals, Teachers, and all staff members were present to witness the event.

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