"KALARAV" a cultural program was organized in collaboration with Inner Wheel Club of Bhuj Wall City. The event showcased the talents of the girls from Divyang Kanyakunj, who presented solo dance, group dance, singing, and a fashion show. The intellectual disable (ID) and Hearing Impaired girls also participated in the event, showcasing their skills.

Mr. NitabenHalani, President of Inner Wheel Club of Bhuj Wall City, along with Project Chairman Mr. Ritaben Adhyaru and Roshaniben Thakkar, encouraged the participants by awarding prizes to the top three performers. Additionally, all participating girls were given incentive prizes by the esteemed guests including former President DeepabenSomaiya, Kalpanaben Luhar, Editor Mr. UrvibenSoni, Treasurer Mr. Zinabhai Dabasiya, and Coordinator of Divyang Kanyakunj Ms. Rimaben Bhatia.

          The success of the program was attributed to the hard work of Principal Mrs. Jalpaben Maru, General Secretary Mr. Laljibhai Prajapati, Secretary Mr. Himanshubhai Sompura, and the dedicated efforts of dance teachers Mrs. Janviben Prajapati and NeelambenChhuchhiya. The entire event was smoothly conducted by Mrs. Krupaben Gor, with the support of teachers and staff who worked tirelessly to ensure its success.

A total of 62 girls participated in "KALARAV," each showcasing their unique talents and skills. The collaborative effort between Inner Wheel Club of Bhuj Wall City and Divyang Kanyakunj resulted in a memorable cultural program that celebrated the spirit and abilities of these talented girls.


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