The Gujarat Chess Association organized a three-day chess tournament for visually impaired players at Divyang Vidhya Vihar Campus. A total of 104 participants took part in the event. To honor the winners, several dignitaries were present, including our General Secretary, Mr. Laljibhai M. Prajapati, Secretary Mr. Himanshubhai Sompura, Trustee Mr. Khimjibhai Vekaria, Chief Coordinator Mr. Deepak Prasad, Co-Coordinator Mr. Rashmikantbhai Patel, and Rimaben Bhatia.

Among the guests were Mrs. Godavariben Thakkar, President of the Kutch District BJP Mahila Morcha, Mrs. Rachnaben Shah, Vice President of BJP Mahila Morcha Bhuj City, and Mrs. Alkaben Thakkar, Vice President of the Inner Wheel Club Flamingo Bhuj. They encouraged the players by presenting them with mementos.

The G.C.A.V.C Secretary, Mr. Viralbhai, and Vice President, Mr. Sujitbhai Chudasama, worked diligently to ensure the success of the entire program. Additionally, a demonstration of a tool designed to assist visually impaired individuals was conducted by IT graduate Dineshbhai during the event.

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